Green Business Ideas
Chemical toxins, rain forest destruction and the ever growing global warming are some of the reasons why entrepreneurs need to think out of the box and develop strategies for a socially responsible, environmentally friendly and sustainable business. Other than being among the pioneers of something that has great potential of expanding and being massive, green business gives you an opportunity to make a difference in the world. If you are looking for somewhere to invest your money, here are 3 ideas.
Solar panels and heating systems
Traditional energy sources such as electricity are getting expensive every passing day and this makes green energy sources such as solar panels a great bet. Although, solar panels were previously unaffordable for most people, things have now changed and they are now getting cheaper and of high quality. China is one country that has had great impact in the technology. At the moment, you can get very high quality solar panels at almost half the price of western manufacturers. Whether you are an affiliate seller or you run a professional installation business, there are great opportunities in this field.
Solar water heating systems are another great business idea that you can take a look at. According to experts, solar water heating systems save up to 70% of energy. The energy saving nature of the systems makes them very appealing to many people which opens up a business opportunity for you.
Eco-friendly cleaning products
Manufacture of Eco-friendly cleaning products is a lucrative business. This is because many people are realizing the dangers of using traditional cleaning products. The products are packed with chemicals which are harmful to their skin. To get into this business, all you need to do is to identify people who will help you in getting the necessary ingredients to manufacture the products. To penetrate the market, you need to be wild in your marketing campaigns. You also need to create a website where you will be showcasing your products.
In addition to manufacturing eco-friendly cleaning products, you can also start a cleaning business. This is a business where you will be offering cleaning services using eco-friendly cleaning products. The good side is that you don't have to be the cleaner. You can hire other people and your will be the boss.
Green consultant
You don't have to manufacture a product for you to be in the green business. You can help people to save on their energy bills and money by giving them advice on how to go about it. In addition to individuals, you can also offer your services to institutions and organizations.
Green business is still at its neonatal stages. Due to this, there are still very many other ways to go green with a business that are yet to be identified. All you need to do is to be creative and you will be on your way to making millions.
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