Sunday, December 15, 2013

Did You Try These 3 Green Business Ideas?

Green Business Ideas

Chemical toxins, rain forest destruction and the ever growing global warming are some of the reasons why entrepreneurs need to think out of the box and develop strategies for a socially responsible, environmentally friendly and sustainable business. Other than being among the pioneers of something that has great potential of expanding and being massive, green business gives you an opportunity to make a difference in the world. If you are looking for somewhere to invest your money, here are 3 ideas.

Solar panels and heating systems

Traditional energy sources such as electricity are getting expensive every passing day and this makes green energy sources such as solar panels a great bet. Although, solar panels were previously unaffordable for most people, things have now changed and they are now getting cheaper and of high quality. China is one country that has had great impact in the technology. At the moment, you can get very high quality solar panels at almost half the price of western manufacturers. Whether you are an affiliate seller or you run a professional installation business, there are great opportunities in this field.

Solar water heating systems are another great business idea that you can take a look at. According to experts, solar water heating systems save up to 70% of energy. The energy saving nature of the systems makes them very appealing to many people which opens up a business opportunity for you.

Eco-friendly cleaning products

Manufacture of Eco-friendly cleaning products is a lucrative business. This is because many people are realizing the dangers of using traditional cleaning products. The products are packed with chemicals which are harmful to their skin. To get into this business, all you need to do is to identify people who will help you in getting the necessary ingredients to manufacture the products. To penetrate the market, you need to be wild in your marketing campaigns. You also need to create a website where you will be showcasing your products.

In addition to manufacturing eco-friendly cleaning products, you can also start a cleaning business. This is a business where you will be offering cleaning services using eco-friendly cleaning products. The good side is that you don't have to be the cleaner. You can hire other people and your will be the boss.

Green consultant

You don't have to manufacture a product for you to be in the green business. You can help people to save on their energy bills and money by giving them advice on how to go about it. In addition to individuals, you can also offer your services to institutions and organizations.

Green business is still at its neonatal stages. Due to this, there are still very many other ways to go green with a business that are yet to be identified. All you need to do is to be creative and you will be on your way to making millions.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Danger Marks Upon Our Spotted Friends Basking on Bogs

In today's reality, energy based powers provided by plants and combustion greatly influences human traditions. Having self-sufficiently calculated out many different ways to obtain enormous energy, the tendency to get lost in the process is great. Such innovations that have fogged our mind from nature include nuclear power plants, hydro power electricity, and fossil fuel based power plants. Today, the spotted turtle (which has the capability of inhabiting all of the eastern states) remains on the endangered species list provided by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). How is this occurring and in what ways have humans attempted to mitigate this horrifying misfortune?

The initial development of energy from fossil fuel combustion such as burning coal has been around for many years. Yet until now did we notice the drawbacks of this energy creation. Burning and combustion of fossil fuels emit great amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. This increase in carbon concentration in the atmosphere has the capability to disrupt the carbon cycle, the hydrogen cycle, as well as the nitrogen cycle. During the past century, natural cycles being disrupted can either warm or cool temperatures on Earth. Thus, stabilized climates become unstable which put native species such as the spotted turtle in the US to record as endangered. Even with alternatives such as nuclear power plants and hydro power electrical plants (which the majority use the flow of water to produce energy), past effects of radiation and pollution to the spotted turtles habitat still remain as scars in some areas of the US.

Nuclear power plants reduce carbon emission into the wild. This is a very beneficial way of obtaining energy for humans. Many studies have concluded that the nuclear fission of Uranium-235 may produce a nuclear chain reaction. Nuclear chain reactions are important due to the fact that the chain of reacting does not need external supplement to keep it reacting. This is one reason why nuclear power has been suggested to replace the burning and combustion of fossil fuels. Yet one objective that restrains the creation and use of nuclear power are the waste that nuclear fission leaves behind. Most of the waste produced from nuclear fission still remains radioactive; thus, the placement of the waste becomes a very dangerous hazard. Leaving the radioactive waste lying around in a dump greatly releases radiation into the atmosphere. Radiation from radioactive waste may concentrate so high that humans and organisms nearby may develop abnormalities such as cancer in humans and physical deformities in organisms. Spotted turtles around nuclear plants have been recorded to being born with missing body parts as well as facing problems with their ability to correctly swim in water. Governmental and economic citizens recommend not expanding nuclear power usage because of the caution with catastrophic events similar to the Chernobyl disaster. With a catastrophe as impacting as Chernobyl, spotted turtles are most likely to disintegrate exponentially due to their time-consuming ability to adapt with the environment. Consequently, this gave rise to new alternatives which show great improvements.

Hydro power electricity is created through certain amounts of water flow which turns turbines in circular motion. The water which creates hydro power electricity is then returned back to the stream or river to which it came from. Large dams such as the Hoover dam generate enormous amounts of energy without emitting harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. Smaller dams or water channel constructions are also used to improve the environment economically. Water-way designs allow spotted turtle's to face fewer threats compared to nuclear or fossil fueled power and also helps to increase their chances to be listed as least concerned species. However, hydro power electricity plants have some disadvantages to spotted turtles. Large and small dam reservoirs block seasonal migration of marine life; which spotted turtles included are part of. With a harder time phase to travel upstream, spotted turtles remain "wedged" at the end of the man-made reservoirs. Water concentrations below reservoirs are at lower levels and with less water, there lays fewer resources for turtles in general.

In conclusion, wildlife conversations and protected seasonal regions are one of the only natural home to which spotted turtles are able naturally move about. If we strive to protect our environment from harmful activities -even with little changes-, species such as the spotted turtle would not have to be listed as endangered and humans would have less to worry in the future about sustaining and obtaining resources of energy. Newly developed alternatives of generating energy are improving and have greatly shown positive feedback's upon the environment. One in particular, nuclear fusion has been proposed as to being the futures greatest change in energy development but the aspects of how its energy is to be created man-made has yet to be discovered. In a broad-spectrum, nuclear fusion -as of how the sun powers the Earth- will be able to provide further positive feedback than negative to the environment and to our friend the spotted turtle.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Street Litter Can Lead to Long-Lasting Environmental Damage

Earth is facing a lot of environmental issues which includes pollution, greenhouse effects, water shortage, and so on. The fact that the world is now covered with different wastes and litter does not make the situation better. You need to be aware that wastes dumped on landfills are multiplied every single day, causing more and more damage to the earth's soil, air, and water.

With that said, you need to know how much street litter can affect the environment. The wrapper of your chewing gum and even the small cigarette butts can cause serious environmental issue if it is not disposed properly. Littering the environment can damage not only the areas where we live but also the air and water. Here are some of the main sources of litter:

    Pedestrians: Failing to dispose their garbage in garbage bins and trash cans
    Motorists: Throwing garbage out of their car or motor vehicle.
    Households: Failure to secure their trashcans, inviting scavengers, wildlife, or the wind. Unsecured trashcan will cause the garbage to litter the streets.
    Humans in general: Littering at public places
    Construction Sites: Large amounts of debris and other materials resulting in ignored litter.

You have to understand that littering is one of the major contributors to the world's environmental problems. Not only does litter mess up the earth's surface, it also affects the ecosystem. For instance, if litter is washed into bodies of water, it will affect the water, contaminating it. This will then affect the fishes in the water. If the fishes are unhealthy and unsafe, the people will also suffer in the long run.

How Can You Fight Litter?

There are various ways to address the litter problem in your area. Here are a few tips:

    Recycle and re-use bottles, cans, and plastics. If you have pieces of paper which can still be used, recycle them as well.
    You should also consider buying containers that are biodegradable. For instance, instead of plastic, you can use glass.
    Know about your local government's street sweeping program and follow their instructions beforehand. You can also report construction sites or business owners with litter problem in your area.
    Purchase items that are durable to reduce waste and choose products made from recycled materials.
    Choose packaging that is biodegradable. If possible, choose products with no packaging.

If you want to protect the Earth, you should start making a change by starting with yourself. In doing so, you might spark an awareness that was not there before. This might make your campaign known throughout the world.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Topics for Discussions of Environmental Issues for Kids

Environmental Issues for Kids

Although global environmental issues are considered to be one of the important subjects in the world today, it doesn't mean that only adults get to speak about them. Part of encouraging children to learn about the world is also making them aware of what's going on in the condition of our environment, such as for example, global climate change. Here are some tips on how you can teach environmental problems for kids:

    Teach the children first about the ecosystem and the normal processes happening in the environment such as the water cycle. It would be nice if they already know about these natural processes at school. If they have adequate knowledge about these, it would be easier for you to talk about environmental ramification for kids.

    Engage them in conversations that are relatable to them such as asking a child if he wonders why it rains or how come flooding happens in some areas. Flooding is one of the major environmental issues considered to be effects of climate change.

    You may read environmental issues articles and ask children about what you learned. Be sure to only include those that they already know about and use terms that they can understand.

    You may also let them read those environmental issues articles if you think these are easy for their eyes and for their understanding. Although some kids may still prefer to read books, many others choose to participate in activities that are highly stimulating such as watching movies. There are animated movies and other kid-friendly movies that you can watch with the kids to increase their knowledge about the environment.

    Good topics on environmental implications for kids are usually the ones that they are able to observe in their everyday lives. Take for example, the air pollution. Teach them about air pollution and how it affects the environment after a day out in a busy city where traffic and pollution is apparent.

    Have the kids participate in small, creative, and fun activities related to global environmental issues such as planting trees, preparing trash cans with the right labels for segregation, and recycling materials.

    More topics on environmental issues for kids also include caring for animals. Bring them to a zoo or a pet shop or introduce the kids to wild animals through watching documentary films together.

    When there's breaking news on the TV or radio about natural disasters happening in certain places and the kids are starting to ask questions, answer them with an adequate explanation on how these effects of climate change take place.

    Use of dioramas, pictures and cards also help in giving them visualizations of the nature climate change and other environmental issues for kids.

    Aside from making them aware of the climate change effects, teach them also the causes of climate change such as deforestation. A child's mind is a good soil for cultivating social and environmental awareness and helping them become aware of the effects of climate change or current environmental issues is a good step in developing their sense of responsibility.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Water Filtration Process

Water often goes through a purification process to ensure that it is safe for a designated purpose. During the purification process unwanted things in the water are removed such as biological contaminants, suspended solids, gases and other pollutants. Water is typically purified for human consumption, however it is done for other purposes too. Sometimes there are medical, pharmacological, chemical or industrial applications that require purified water as well. This liquid filtration process includes several steps before the water is safe for its designated use.

First off, where does the world's water supply come from? There are several sources of water; groundwater, lakes and reservoirs, rivers, rainwater and more. Water can even be extracted from the air. To do so, air must be chilled, which in turn creates condensed water vapor. But, regardless of where the water came from, the same six steps are involved with the liquid filtration process.

Step 1 - Coagulation

Coagulants are added to the water. A coagulant is any substance that causes coagulation. With chilled water filtration, common coagulants include aluminum, lime or iron. When one of these coagulants is added to the water being purified, unwanted particulates begin to clump together.

Step 2 - Flocculation

Once coagulation has begun, flocculation is next, which clarifies the water. This process involves shaking the water in order to cause the smaller coagulated pieces to lump into larger groups called flocs.

Step 3 - Sedimentation

After coagulation and flocculation, the water is left to sit for 24 hours. This allows the clumps to settle to the bottom of the container.

Step 4 - Filtration

Once all the clumps created from coagulation and flocculation have settled to the bottom, the next step is liquid filtration. This removes all the unwanted elements from the water that gathered at the bottom during the sedimentation step.

Step 5 - Disinfection

Following filtration, the water is disinfected, usually with chlorine.

Step 6 - Aeration

The finally step in this process is aeration. This allows other contaminants, like radon, to be removed.

After step six, the water is ready for human consumption or its other intended use.

When it comes to water for human consumption, even after the purification process, some opt for an additional system, such as a process water filter for their kitchen faucet. The fear is that there are chemicals and other pollutants in the drinking water. These filters are able to remove volatile organic chemicals, heavy metals, fluoride and endocrine disruption chemicals.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Businesses And Homeowners - Cut Back On Waste By Recycling These Materials

A growing concern for the world we live in has become more and more apparent through the years. Actions consumers took or products that were manufactured in the past that have since been determined harmful for the environment have ceased and green efforts have increased. Consumers and businesses alike are jumping on the bandwagon when it comes to green living little by little.

One way to decrease negative environmental impact is through recycling, which is a fairly simple task. Recycling helps conserve valuable resources, save energy and reduces our already overcrowded landfills. These positives all contribute to environmental protection.

So, what can be recycled? Many waste materials homes and businesses produce can be recycled. Glass containers are on the list. These include clear or colored glass containers. Newspapers and other paper waste can all be recycled. Also on the list are aluminum or steel cans and plastics. All of these recyclable materials are self-explanatory except for plastics. Plastics get a bit tricky; the plastic container will have a code on the bottom encircled by the traditional recycling icon. If the code is a one or a two, which can be seen on plastic soda bottles or plastic milk jugs, it can be recycled. Other numbers require a special recycling process.

With that, there are some additional items that are recyclable, but must be taken to a special facility. Some examples include motor oil, used car batteries and electronic devices.

Another option is to reuse items. Consider plastic bags from the grocery store, scrap wood, old clothes or jars. These items can have various uses. Consider reusing plastic bags at the grocery store, or to transport items to and from a destination. Scrap wood could be used for other building projects; old clothes can be used as rags for cleaning or can be sown into something else. There are often many other uses for items consumers view as waste, it just takes a little creativity.

As a business, consider reusing returnable packaging for shipping. This could include returnable containers formed from plastic or it might simply be a cardboard box that is used over and over. These materials may offer several uses, and then when their condition worsens, they can be recycled.

There are many ways to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. It does not require a lot of time or energy. Consumers and businesses just need to know what local requirements for recycling are and to live more mindfully. If each person or business takes on one new recycling project this year, the global impact would be huge.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Impact of Garbage Removal on the Environment

Thrash disposal is one of the most significant aspects of maintaining environmental cleanliness. Proper thrash disposal not only contributes to maintaining a cleaner environment but also plays an important role in public health.

According to a recent survey, everyday an average US citizen throws away 4 pounds of thrash, which makes 216 pounds annually. Thrash disposal has a great impact on the environment and hence it is essential to make sure that the thrash is sent to the proper facilities.

Accumulation of thrash leads to emission of greenhouse gases, chemical effusion and growth of microorganisms, all of which contribute to pollution of the soil and ground water.

In a report by the European Environment Agency, it is stated that proper waste management and garbage disposal can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted daily and also the pollutants that cause air pollution.

Waste management not done in an efficient manner has harmful effects on public health as well. Garbage dumping in landfills and unoccupied lands affect the people living thereabouts. Due to the emission of toxic gases they have high risks of acquiring various forms of cancer and other deadly diseases. These injurious health effects can be prevented through proper waste management strategies.

Energy conserving waste management techniques help to curtail the demand for energy and the energy conserved in these processes can be used for other productive purposes.

Recycling, which is one of the most effective methods of waste management, causes reduction in methane and carbon dioxide emissions. Apart from conserving energy, recycling also helps in conserving resources and in reducing environmental pollution. Recycling paper, plastic, glass and metals like aluminum help in saving money.

Composting, an effective waste disposal technique, uses bio-degradable wastes and involves the breaking down of these wastes into simpler organic compounds that are in turn converted into manure. Wastes such as vegetable peels, twigs and leaves can be used for composting and the resultant manure helps in conserving the money that one spends on fertilizers.

Many organizations and companies have been set up to take care of the proper disposal of garbage and to make sure that they are not dumped in unoccupied lands. In almost all the cities and towns, trash pickup has become common and in some states, recycling pickup is also gaining prominence. Some of these waste management companies are offering eco-friendly waste disposal options which help in contributing to the conservation of the earth. The only hurdle to waste management in the present time of recession is that people are hesitant to pay more to the thrash removing services offered to them.